P2P Crypto Exchange Development
P2P Crypto Exchange Development
As per LBM Blockchain Solution, there are over 1,600 cryptocurrencies being issued today, with a mutual market cap of $290 billion dollars. Global investors are taking a keen interest in this fast-growing sector. As a result, only a handful of crypto platforms have emerged to satisfy the infrastructural needs to facilitate digital asset trading.
However, P2P Crypto Exchange Developmethas progressed into several types to assist the ever-changing requirements of traders from
across the world. After Centralized Exchanges (CEX), Decentralized Exchange (DEX) types have
conquered the crypto market, one of which is the P2P Crypto Exchange.
What Is the P2P Crypto Exchange Platform And Its Advantages?
P2P (peer-to-peer) or Decentralized Exchange (DEX) are essentially operated and managed through
software. They allow the users to make financial transactions with each other without the need for any
central authority or third-party intermediary to manage the trades.
In contrast to that, the traditional crypto exchanges have a mediator for the clients and receive fees,
ultimately making a profit. With respect to that, the financial interactions in P2P Exchanges are solely
driven by pre-programmed codes without the need for any third-party median.
Its advantages are:
Cost-Effective Operations
Regulatory Compliance
Resistance against Transactional Censorships
Escrow Service powered by Smart Contract